William Daykin 1829 – 1835

William was born in 1829 to Moses and Ann Daykin. We know that at the age of six he was working at Trowell Colliery probably as a trapper.  The inquest into his death was held on 3 August 1835 and the following is transcribed from The Nottingham Review published on Friday 7 August

On Monday an inquest was held at the Sherwin Arms, relating to the death of William Deakin, aged six and a half, the boy was employed in a coal pit of Lord Middleton, and worked under his father; on Friday evening his was about to take him down the pit when an older lad proposed to swarm down the chain and carry the deceased on his shoulders; though reproved they did so, and in descending they fell to the bottom, the depth of the shaft was fifteen yards; they did not appear much hurt and walked home. On Saturday however after complaining of much pain in the belly, the little boy died. Verdict “Accidental death”

n.b. It wasn’t until the 1842 Mines and Collieries act that children under the age of ten were prohibited from working down the pit